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Approved Minutes 02/07/2008
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
February 7, 2008

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, February 7, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 312, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: Charles Puleo (Chair), Walter Power, Nadine Hanscom, Pam Lombardini, Gene Collins, Tim Ready, Tim Kavanaugh. Also present were: Amy Lash, Staff Planner and Stacey Dupuis, Clerk.

Absent: John Moustakis, Christine Sullivan (Recused)

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the January 17th meeting were reviewed.  Changes to be made (recommended by Walter Power) Page 1, fourth paragraph from the bottom, after Walter Power’s name add the project name.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to accept the minutes, seconded by Nadine Hanscom and approved (7-0).

Continued: Public Hearing Definitive Subdivision and Cluster Residential Development Special Permit- Chapel Hill LLC, Clark Avenue (Map 8, Lots 6, 7, 8)- Attorney Jack Keilty

Attorney Jack Keilty, representing the applicant Chapel Hill LLC, said they had a meeting with the Fire Department, Chief Cody and Lt. Griffin to discuss the intersection of the subdivision road in front of the Tran’s property.  The Fire Department said that intersection should meet the requirements and to meet those requirements, some trees will need to be removed. Therefore, the applicant will not be asking for that waiver and the trees can instead be transplanted.  

Attorney Keilty also proposed their alternative drainage and paving plan to Dave Knowlton, City Engineer.  The revised plan includes an additional manhole, two catch basins and the extent of paving the applicant is proposing.  The applicant and City Engineer are in agreement with the drainage but not with the extent of paving.  Attorney Keilty showed on the map where Dave Knowlton would like to have paving.  Dave Knowlton feels that the existing pavement is in poor condition, that full grinding and rebuilding the road would be better than repaving.

Attorney Keilty pointed out that they have agreed with the Fire Department to install sprinklers in the homes.  They are all in complete agreement with the Infiltration and Inflow study and removal.  They will have to take out sufficient infiltration. Attorney Keilty said that Mr. Knowlton feels they need to look at every street that goes to the Highland Ave pump station so they can determine where the infiltration is coming from. This could take about 2,700 feet of camera work, and if that is what is needed to determine the gallonage, they’ll do it.

The applicant offered $2,500 for blasting, Mr. Knowlton said it should be $5,000, they’ve agreed to the $5,000.  Attorney Keilty said that Steve Casazza of FS&T suggested a mirror and the applicant agreed- they need to work out if it will go on a pole.

Amy went over a letter from Dave Knowlton that covered some of the issues.  In the letter Dave Knowlton pointed out that the existing pavement is in such poor condition that overlaying it will not be sufficient.  When the trench holes are put in, they will be compromising the existing pavement and the heat patch won’t be effective.  Chuck Puleo asked if with what they’ve agreed to install, is it in compliance with what Mr. Knowlton wants?  He also asked for a recap of the drainage system: 4 catch basins tied into 1 drain manhole which connects to an existing double catch basin drain.  Amy Lash said that Dave Knowlton has concerns with the location of the manholes.  Attorney Keilty said they could adjust where they go if needed.

Chuck Puleo and Walter Power went to the site on Sunday and noted that there is a lot of water that drains from the homes and quite a few puddles. Chuck Puleo said he would ask the City Engineer if the City ever anticipates straightening the road.  The stakes there show property that walls and driveways are on.  If the road is straightened, what happens to the location of the catch basins?  Also, if they repave, would the water make it down to the basin?  Chuck Puleo agrees with paving Clark Avenue because the top of the hill is in poor condition.  Tim Ready also went to the site and noted the water/puddles.  He believes that fixing the roads would help with the marketing of the property to be sold.  He asked if the applicant had taken that into consideration.  Attorney Keilty said that yes it would be easier to sell with the roads in good shape, they will be making improvements and paving, but the question how much is necessary.

Walter Power applauded the ambition of the fourth catch basin in front of Clark Ave. He asked if for the one across the street (on the inland side of Clark Rd), can they consider putting it down on the other side (pointed it out on the map).  Jack Keilty said if Dave Knowlton thinks the catch basins would be better somewhere else, then they’ll move them.  Walter Power would like to see the street on Clark Ave paved down to the intersection.  Walter Power suggested continuing the sidewalk- where the existing granite curbing is and bringing that all the way down Clark Street.

Amy Lash talked with Steve Casazza, of FS&T, about the mirror.  He said there is a utility pole that it can go on.  Amy said that Steve Casazza recommended a stripe on the road where it bends.  She said that Steve Casazza and Dave Knowlton concluded it would be best to leave the small retaining wall instead of adding a sidewalk, they felt that instead a crosswalk could be installed to bring pedestrians to the cross walk on the other side of the road.  Jack Keilty suggested that when you look at the encroachment, it’s fairly narrow, and a stripe might define how narrow the road is.  Chuck Puleo asked if the straight paving is 24 ft. from curbing to curbing.  Jack Keilty said that is the correct measurement, and they agreed to put the stripe on the road.

Meeting opened to the public

Councillor Jean Pelletier, Ward 3 said that regarding the rock, Mr. Ngo had his property surveyed. It showed that his property line almost goes to the rock. He talked to the City Solicitor about removing the rock and part of the wall.  In exchange, could the City allow the rest of the fence and rock wall to remain?  A few board members felt that by doing that, it may set a precedent.  Attorney Keilty said they will put in the money to remove the rock; the City will hire a contractor to remove it.  

Regarding the intersection and trees, Nadine Hanscom asked if the Tran’s have been contacted about the tree removal.  Amy Lash said since they were not present she would contact them.  For the striping on the street, Walter Power suggested that there be have a crosswalk at the top of the hill. Chuck Puleo suggested that Traffic Safety should locate the best place for the crosswalk.

Councillor Pelletier said that according to CDM, they didn’t give the right information.  Instead of an 8-inch pipe, there is a 6-inch pipe leading up to the subdivision entrance.  He suggests that this water main be replaced with an 8-inch pipe.  Attorney Keilty said there was a flow test done way back that showed adequate pressure/flow.

Dennis Colbert (37 Clark St.) agreed that paving should go all the way to Clark St. since it’s the worst part of the road.  Attorney Keilty agreed to grind and repave the area of the drainage improvements on Clark Street, overlay up to the bend on Clark Avenue, and continue 50 ft westerly to Highland Avenue.  So, the first 50 ft is new pavement, they rest is overlay.  Chuck Puleo asked that with the paving, are they going to make it so that the water will make it down to the drains?  

Jeff Rogato (13 Clark Ave.) asked where the entrance to the walking path is.  Attorney Keilty said there is a path out to Clark Ave and a path into the new development.  Jeff Rogato said it would be best for the neighbors if there were to be only one entrance into the new development for parking purposes.  Since the walking path abuts the Rogato’s back yard, they will be putting up a fence. The fence will go on the Rogato’s property.  

Jack Keilty mentioned that at the end of the cul-de-sac there is some space where people could park.  Dennis Colbert prefers huge rocks to be placed there to prevent people from parking there.  Attorney Keilty said they’d put some rocks and boulders on the edge of the cul-de-sac to prevent people from getting in. Board members are uncertain if the Conservation Commission needs to give permission for these rocks.  Tim Kavanaugh suggested the Planning Board make it a condition in the draft decision.  Amy will word the condition so it says it must be passed by the Conservation Commission first, and this could be coordinated through the staff.

Walter Power said that in regards to the fencing behind the houses, the fence should have posts in the ground to make it sturdy, to last a long time.  George Belleau, the applicant, said that the fencing would be done properly; the poles and materials used will depend on what the ground is like.

Councillor Pelletier asked if the Board would be voting tonight, as he received an email from David Knowlton that said his concerns haven’t been addressed yet.  Attorney Keilty said that there have been meetings and pointed out that they have agreed to some of Dave Knowlton’s requests.  Chuck Puleo said that they could vote tonight and put conditions in since all issues haven’t been straightened out yet. Amy Lash mentioned that she thought they were going to see a plan tonight showing striping and signage.  Chuck Puleo added that the traffic study had recommendations at every intersection for signage.

Walter Power is concerned that there are still issues; they should word the conditions in such a way so that they are covered.  He is not sure they should vote tonight. Also, the City Engineer just got the drawing of the new plan yesterday. Regarding paving, Walter Power feels that going up to Chapel Hill, the road is not in good condition.  Attorney Keilty reiterated they are grinding 50 ft; thereafter they will repair deficient areas, then top layer.  Walter asked that the new paving on Chapel Hill Ave start where the granite curbing from the previous development leaves off.  Walter Power added that the cliff walls at the rear of the houses should be permanent, maybe have crushed stone at the bottom for water.  Attorney Keilty said there will be vegetative swales, water will collect at each swale and not over the walls. If the walls are over 6 ft., a structural engineer needs to approve it.  

Chuck Puleo mentioned that he just read the email from the City Engineer at 6:30 pm and Pam Lombardini was a bit frustrated at the lateness of emails, drawings, etc. to the Planning Board members.  It doesn’t give them much time to look them over.  Nadine Hanscom said that if the Planning Board receives late items from people, then those people should be at the meeting to explain things. Chuck Puleo asked the applicant if he could wait two weeks for an approval because the Board members aren’t comfortable with getting information late and therefore requiring a lot of conditions in the draft decision.  Gene Collins asked that as of the meeting this evening, could the issues be sent to the City Engineer?  Can they make a vote in good faith? Also, Amy should make a list of engineering issues.  Pam Lombardini suggested that Dave Knowlton, City Engineer, come to the next meeting.  Amy will try to talk to him about attending.

George Belleau reiterated that Dave Knowlton has made recommendations and the applicant has agreed to some of it. Chuck Puleo said, regarding the 6 and 8 inch piping, he wants to make sure that 200 ft of 6 inch piping doesn’t need to be replaced.  For drainage and this pipe size, the development could exacerbate the problem.

There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, a motion was made by Gene Collins to continue the public hearing to February 21, 2008, seconded by Pam Lombardini and approved (7-0).

Gene Collins asked if they could limit the conversation to just the issues on the list so that they don’t rehash what has already been discussed.  Chuck Puleo said they can’t stop people from talking about other issues, but they can control the length of conversation.  Tim Ready said that the delay of approving the draft decision has nothing to do with the petitioner; it has to do with correspondence going to the Board members late.

Old/New Business

·       Walter Power asked what the hold up with the deceleration lane on Highland Ave is.  Chuck Puleo believes its Verizon, they’re working on a pole; he will inquire about it at a meeting he is going to on Friday morning.


There being no further business before the Planning Board this evening, a motion was made by Pam Lombardini to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Nadine Hanscom and approved (7-0).

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by:

Stacey Dupuis, Clerk
Salem Planning Board